Friday, May 30, 2014

The Move

I graduated. I passed my licensing exam. I moved out of my parents' house.

When you're in school, the ultimate measure of success is leaving the nest and "making it on your own".  I had the opportunity to move out of state with my boyfriend conditionally rent free until I procured a proper profession. So I packed up my pup, furniture my parents were bound to throw out, and my entire life by way of clothes, books, chachkas, and so. many. damn. beauty products. 

It was a beautiful day. Sun was shining. Birds were chirping. We were going to make it home to unpack and drop off the rental truck in time for Game of Thrones. It was going to be a good Sunday and it WAS until the truck rental company switched my 24-hour drop off location to a car rental place 20 miles further than my new home. It would have been fine if the new location actually existed. Seriously! Google maps dropped us off in the middle of the highway. 

This was a rude awakening to the seemingly harmless monster that is moving into your first home. But I was, and still am!, determined to make my first home more than just a bunch of IKEA furniture and mismatched, donated furniture. Welcome to my adventure :)